Interface: Personal Information Devices - Valley Regional Transit Dispatch and Call Centers

Architecture Flow Definitions
transfer request (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
A traveler request for a transfer between transit routes, services, or modes. The request may also include preferences such as a need for extra connection time or connection protection in the event of a delay.
transfer status (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Information indicating whether a requested transfer can be confirmed including specific information about the connection including fare payment information. Real–time updates are provided if the transfer status changes up to and including a reminder just prior to the transfer. In the event that a requested transfer is not feasible, alternatives including other transit, rideshare, and taxi options are provided.
trip confirmation (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Acknowledgement by the driver/traveler of acceptance of a trip plan with associated personal and payment information required to confirm reservations.
trip plan (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
A travel itinerary identifying a route and associated traveler information and instructions identifying recommended modes and transfer information, ride sharing options, and transit and parking reservation information.