ITS Communications Support Functional Area


'ITS Communications Support' provides means to send and receive messages to and from other ITS Objects. It provides mechanisms for scheduling and prioritizing communications traffic. It may also provide relay functions.

Included In

Caldwell Field Equipment
Nampa Traffic Management Center
Caldwell TMC

Functional Requirements

01The ITS Object shall include a mechanism for scheduling message transmission distinct from the message's originating Functional Object.
02The ITS Object shall include a mechanism for prioritizing message transmission based on input from originating Functional Object.
03The ITS Object shall include a mechanism for relaying messages received using one physical communications medium to other ITS Objects using that same medium.
04The ITS Object shall include a mechanism for relaying messages received using one physical communications medium to other ITS Objects using a different medium.
05The ITS Object shall provide its identification information to the Center that manages permissions requests.