Benefits of Membership

COMPASS is the only regional forum in southwest Idaho where membership is open to any public agency. Bringing together cities, counties, highway districts, state agencies, and others, COMPASS evaluates and coordinates planning and policies, makes decisions regarding the regional transportation system and land use, and ultimately impacts the quality of life of all Treasure Valley citizens.

The COMPASS Board of Directors makes decisions that affect the entire region. Each member agency has a “seat at the table” – a voice and a vote – ensuring that their jurisdiction’s needs and concerns are considered. Choosing not to participate leaves important regional decisions in the hands of others.

In addition to a seat on the COMPASS Board, COMPASS membership provides member agencies an opportunity to participate in the technical deliberations and recommendations that lead to key regional decisions.

COMPASS Membership Brochure

Member Services

Resource Development – COMPASS provides a variety of services to its members to assist in securing and managing federal transportation dollars and other funding to meet capital and maintenance needs, and to support regional goals outlined in Communities in Motion 2050  the regional long-range transportation plan for Ada and Canyon Counties. These services cover the spectrum from grant research and grant-writing assistance to support throughout project implementation once funding is received.

For assistance, contact Toni Tisdale (208-475-2238).

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Maps, Data, and Orthophotography – COMPASS develops maps for its members for analysis, review, and public display using the most current baseline information and data layers available. In addition, COMPASS coordinates regional orthophotography flights on behalf of its members every three years.

For mapping, data, or orthophotography services, please contact Eric Adolfson (208-475-2245).

Demographics – COMPASS compiles demographic data for use in COMPASS products and by COMPASS member agencies. These data include population estimates, demographic forecasts (population, jobs, and housing), census data, and more.

To request demographic data, please contact Austin Miller (208-475-2239).

Modeling and Other Technical Tools – COMPASS uses computer modeling and other technical tools to examine the current and future state of our region – from transportation to air quality to land use, and more. These tools, and the data they provide, support COMPASS member agencies as well as COMPASS’ own planning efforts.

To request modeling services or assistance, please contact MaryAnn Waldinger (208-475-2242).

Bicycle and Pedestrian Counting Equipment – COMPASS provides installation and data collection services to member agencies who request temporary use of bicycle and pedestrian counting equipment. The counters provide information such as the numbers of bicyclists and pedestrians using certain routes, and the days of week and times of day they are using them.

For more information on- and off-road counting equipment, and to request specific locations for installation, please submit an online request form or contact Tori Cale (208-475-2267).

Facilitation – COMPASS can provide meeting facilitation services for members; contact Amy Luft (208-475-2229) to learn more.

Public Education – To facilitate dialogue and provide learning opportunities, COMPASS provides a variety of education opportunities, including but not limited to:

For more information on the COMPASS education series and other trainings, contact Amy Luft (208-475-2229).