Demographics Forecasts: Population, Housing, and Employment

A demographic forecast is a reasonable estimate of the number and general location of houses, people, and jobs in the future. COMPASS develops demographic forecasts for Ada and Canyon Counties in consultation with the COMPASS Demographic Advisory Workgroup. These forecasts are developed as part of the region’s long-range transportation plans are a primary data source used in the COMPASS Travel Demand Model to analyze future travel demand and transportation deficiencies.

2050 Forecast

In 2019, COMPASS developed a forecast of 1,075,000 people by 2050 in Ada and Canyon Counties. This forecast was used to develop the Communities in Motion 2050 Vision, which will be the growth and transportation scenario for Communities in Motion 2050.

Three public surveys — conducted in 2019, 2020, and 2021 — provided valuable input from area residents regarding growth and transportation values and preferences. This information was used to inform the growth patterns and transportation investments in the Communities in Motion 2050 Vision.

The Communities in Motion 2050 Vision was adopted by the COMPASS Board of Directors in August 2021. The Communities in Motion 2050 long-range transportation plan was adopted by the COMPASS Board of Directors in December 2022.

The forecast will be divided into five-year increments and reconciled annually to account for growth as it occurs.