Demographics and Housing

COMPASS compiles demographic and development data for use in COMPASS products and by COMPASS member agencies. The COMPASS Demographic Advisory Workgroup works closely with COMPASS staff to review and provide input into demographic and growth monitoring activities conducted at COMPASS.

COMPASS demographic and housing activities can be divided into five main categories:

  • Population estimates. Population estimates are estimates of the current population in a particular area. Each year, COMPASS develops population estimates for city and county jurisdictions in Ada and Canyon Counties.
  • Demographic forecasts. Demographic forecasts are estimates of future demographics. COMPASS develops demographic forecasts for population, jobs, and housing for Ada and Canyon Counties for 25 – 30 years into the future. The current demographic forecasts look to the year 2050 and are reconciled using actual data periodically.
  • Monitoring Reports. COMPASS tracks data from a variety of sources to produce two types of monitoring reports. Development monitoring reports contain an overview of development activity using building permit information collected from city and county jurisdictions in the Treasure Valley. The Change in Motion report contains data and evaluations of the region’s progress toward achieving Communities in Motion goals.
  • Housing coordination. COMPASS is developing a Regional Housing Coordination Plan to better understand the housing-transportation nexus and to better prepare for current and future housing needs.
  • Census assistance to member agencies. COMPASS assists member agencies in preparing for the decennial census and in compiling and providing data for other programs managed by the US Census Bureau.