Transportation System Management and Operations

Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) is a set of strategies that focuses on operational improvements to maintain, manage, and even restore the performance of the existing transportation system before extra capacity is needed. The ultimate goal is to maximize the performance of current transportation facilities and the overall transportation system.

COMPASS leads and incorporates regional TSMO efforts for Ada and Canyon Counties.

I-84 Corridor Operations Plan

The I-84 Corridor Operations Plan was a collaborative effort, led by COMPASS and the Idaho Transportation Department, to identify operational challenges and innovative TSMO and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) solutions to improve safety, maximize reliability/capacity, and improve integrated operations of the interstate corridor in Ada and Canyon Counties. The TSMO and ITS strategies evaluated in this plan are relatively low-cost options for improving operations and safety on the corridor where additional capacity is not feasible and can extend or preserve the benefits of large high-cost capacity projects such as widening projects on I-84 in Canyon County.

Transportation, law enforcement, emergency response, and land use agencies spanning the corridor collaborated to identify the operational challenges, goals, and objectives, and helped screen and prioritize potential TSMO and ITS strategies and tactics for implementation. The final plan identifies several TSMO/ITS tactics that best fit the goals and objectives of the plan, are supported by the project stakeholders, and are technically, fiscally, and politically feasible.

Treasure Valley Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Strategic Plan

The TSMO strategic plan documents strategies for operational improvements to maintain, manage, and restore the performance of the existing transportation system in the Treasure Valley. This plan updates the 2014 Treasure Valley Transportation System: Operations, Management, and ITS Plan and is the result of nearly 12 months of collaboration among multi-modal transportation and emergency management agencies in the Treasure Valley. The strategies outlined provide cost-effective options to meet the mobility, safety, environmental, and economic development goals of the region. The timeframe for the plan is 10 years (2020 through 2030), reflecting the near-term focus of operations strategies as well as rapid advancement of transportation technologies.

Treasure Valley ITS Architecture

The regional ITS architecture is a roadmap for transportation systems integration. The architecture was developed through a cooperative effort by the region’s transportation agencies, covering all modes and all roads in the region. It represents a shared vision of how each agency’s systems will work together in the future, sharing information and resources to provide a safer, more efficient, and more effective transportation system for travelers in the region.

The regional ITS architecture is a roadmap for transportation systems integration. The architecture was developed through a cooperative effort by the region’s transportation agencies, covering all modes and all roads in the region. It represents a shared vision of how each agency’s systems will work together in the future, sharing information and resources to provide a safer, more efficient, and more effective transportation system for travelers in the region.

Treasure Valley Incident Management Operations Manual (I-84/I-184 Detour Plan) Update

The 2017 Treasure Valley Incident Management Operations Manual, commonly referred to as the “I-84/I-184 Detour Plan,” includes routes that have been updated from the original 2008 manual based on traffic patterns, stakeholder input, roadway changes, and ITS deployments.