Demographics: US Census

2020 Census

The US Census Bureau conducts a census of US residents every 10 years (a “decennial” census). The data collected by the this census determine the number of seats each state has in the US House of Representatives and are used to distribute billions of dollars of federal funds to local communities. Idaho receives approximately $1,475 annually, or $14,750 over a decade, for each person counted in the census.

The results of the 2020 census enable local governments to identify demographic characteristics, promote economic development, apply for grants, and determine needs for infrastructure and public services. Census population data are the basis for transportation planning, economic development, social and emergency services planning, municipal budgeting, land use planning, and more. Learn more about the 2020 census at

COMPASS supports local efforts to increase participation in the 2020 census and provides technical support to the Census Bureau to assist in local enumeration.

The Census Bureau has developed information resources to help citizens understand the importance, schedule, and use of 2020 Census information.

COMPASS Public Participation
COMPASS supports local census outreach efforts by providing templates, displays, and a forum for regional coordination through the COMPASS Census Advisory Workgroup.

COMPASS Technical Support
COMPASS technical support includes:

    • Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS): The US Census Bureau conducts the BAS to update legal boundaries and geographic areas for surveys and the decennial census. COMPASS annually completes the BAS for member agencies. More information about the census BAS is available at
  • Participant Statistical Areas Program (PSAP): The PSAP enables government agencies to request statistical boundaries for the 2020 Census data tabulation. This program enables organizations to receive data to reflect specific neighborhoods, areas, or districts. More information about the census PSAP is available at: