Executive Committee Members

Name Title/Agency Phone/Email
Rod Beck, Chair- Elect Commissioner
Ada County
200 W. Front
Boise, ID 83702
(208) 287-7002
[email protected]
Trevor Chadwick, Immediate Past Chair Mayor
City of Star
PO Box 130
Star, ID 83669
(208) 286-7247
[email protected]
Jay Gibbons, Chair Commissioner
Highway District #4
15435 Highway 44
Caldwell, ID 83607
(208) 484-8135
[email protected]
Miranda Gold Commissioner
Ada County Highway District
3775 Adams Street
Garden City, ID 83714
(208) 387-6110
[email protected]
Brad Holton Commissioner
Canyon County
1115 Albany
Caldwell, ID 83605
(208) 454-7502
[email protected]
Dan Hyer Councilmember
City of Greenleaf
20523 Whittier Dr.
Greenleaf, ID 83626
(208) 454-7502
[email protected]
Debbie Kling Mayor
City of Nampa
411 3rd Street
Nampa, ID 83651
(208) 468-5401
[email protected]
Lindy Lindstrom Commissioner
Boise County
P.O. Box 96
Idaho City, Idaho 83631
(208) 392-6636
[email protected]
Mary May, Secretary Treasurer Councilmember
City of Eagle
PO Box 1520
Eagle, ID 83616
(208) 939-6813
[email protected]
Lauren McLean Mayor
City of Boise
PO Box 500
Boise, ID 83701-0500
[email protected]
John Overton Councilmember
City of Meridian
33 E. Broadway Ave.
Meridian, ID 83642
(208) 489-0529
[email protected]
Joe Stear Mayor
City of Kuna
P.O. Box 13
Kuna, ID 83634
(208) 922-5546
[email protected]
Jarom Wagoner, Vice Chair Mayor
City of Caldwell
PO Box 1177
Caldwell, ID 83606
(208) 455-3011
[email protected]