Housing Resources
Welcome to the COMPASS’ Housing Resource Page! This page is designed to support planners, elected officials, and residents in providing resources on the complexities of the Treasure Valley’s housing needs and narratives. Here, you’ll find valuable information on housing trends, best practices, existing resources, videos and interviews, and local factsheets. Our goal is to foster collaboration and assist in informed decision-making. Whether you’re looking to understand local housing challenges, explore innovative solutions, or get involved in shaping the future of housing in our region, this page is your go-to guide.
What is the problem?
The Treasure Valley is facing complex housing challenges that require a nuanced understanding and effective solutions. Issues such as affordability, availability, the intersection of housing and transportation, and the need for sustainable development are at the forefront of community concerns. The solution lies in balancing growth with the housing and transportation needs of current and future residents.
Who does this affect?
This issue affects a broad range of stakeholders including planners, elected officials, and residents of the Treasure Valley. Planners and officials make policy decisions that directly and indirectly affect housing supply and location, while residents are directly impacted by housing availability, affordability, and quality. Additionally, businesses and community organizations are affected as housing stability influences economic growth and social well-being.
Why should you care?
Housing is a fundamental aspect of community health and economic stability. When housing needs are unmet, it can lead to increased homelessness and economic disparity, placing a greater burden on public agency resources and budgets. By understanding and addressing these challenges, we can create a more thriving community where everyone has access to safe, affordable, and suitable housing.
How to take action?
Start by exploring the resources provided on this page. You can stay informed by reviewing housing trends and best practices, using local fact sheets, and watching videos and interviews with experts. Engage with local initiatives, participate in community discussions, and collaborate with planners and officials to find effective housing solutions for where you live. Housing is not a “one size fits all” approach – each jurisdiction will need to address housing issues in light of its own community goals. Your involvement can help shape the future of housing in Treasure Valley and ensure that it meets the needs of all its residents.
Why is COMPASS hosting this page?
Housing and transportation are inextricably linked. Where you live, work, and spend your free time affects your commute – and your quality of life. Housing further from jobs can cost less, but that can be offset by increased transportation costs. Access to public transportation or walking/biking can increase housing options for residents who don’t, or don’t want to, drive. As COMPASS plans for the future of the Treasure Valley’s transportation system, consideration of how transportation and housing options impact each other, and jointly impact residents, must be part of the long-term discussion.
*Please note that this webpage is a living document and is constantly being updated as resources and materials become available.

Rental and Homeowner Market Data
(Coming soon!)

Public Health Effects
(Coming soon!)
Housing And Transportation Index
(Coming soon!)