Regional Long-Range Transportation Plans

Federal regulations require that metropolitan planning organizations develop long-range transportation plans, which must be updated every five years. These plans help ensure our roads, bridges, and transportation services (buses, etc.) are ready for the future. Planning helps prioritize projects based on public input and how the region is likely to grow.

Communities in Motion 2050

The current long-range transportation plan, Communities in Motion 2050, was adopted by the COMPASS Board of Directors in December 2022. It forecasts growth to the year 2050 and plans a multi-modal transportation system to meet current and future needs. Communities in Motion 2050 is an online plan, and includes a high-level description of each topic covered in the plan, technical documents with plan details, and a summary brochure. To request a hard copy of the plan or brochure, contact COMPASS at or 208/855-2558.

Learn more about the process to develop Communities in Motion 2050.

Communities in Motion 2055

Work has begun on Communities in Motion 2055, an update to Communities in Motion 2050. Communities in Motion 2055 is scheduled for adoption by the COMPASS Board of Directors by December 2027. Learn more about the planning process and how you can be involved.

Communities in Motion Implementation 

COMPASS works with its member agencies to implement Communities in Motion through…

  • Budgeting projects identified in the plan in the regional transportation improvement program
  • Funding Communities in Motion Implementation Grants
  • Assisting member agencies in seeking funding for high-priority projects
  • Collecting and analyzing regional data to assist with decision-making
  • Leading regional studies and plans
  • Educating residents and decision-makers on transportation funding needs and other transportation and planning issues
  • Reviewing development proposals in light of the Communities in Motion Vision and goals
  • Analyzing and reporting on progress toward quantifiable targets established in the plan, and using that information to inform regional decisions

In addition, the Communities in Motion Implementation Guidebook and Compact Housing Guidebook outline strategies for land use and transportation necessary to move the Communities in Motion vision into action.

Past Plans

Access past long-range transportation plans for Ada and Canyon Counties on the Regional Long-Range Transportation Plan Archives page.