Resource Development and Funding
COMPASS provides a variety of services to its members to assist in securing and managing federal transportation dollars and other funding to meet capital and maintenance needs and to support regional goals outlined in Communities in Motion 2050, the regional long-range transportation plan for Ada and Canyon Counties. These services cover the spectrum from grant research and grant-writing assistance to support throughout project implementation once funding is received.

Communities in Motion 2050 identifies a $193 million annual transportation funding shortfall to the the year 2050. To inform policy discussions to address this shortfall, COMPASS commissioned a study to research and describe funding mechanisms, policies, and practices across all 50 states in four primary areas: local funding, public transportation funding, the suballocation of federal Surface Transportation Block Grant funds, and the implementation of road usage charge programs and/or pilots. The study findings are described in the 2024 State-by-State Policy Study and Database of Transportation Funding and Governance comprehensive report. The report includes one-page fact sheets highlighting key findings from each individual state.
COMPASS Funding Application Process
Member agencies may apply for federal and local funding for projects identified as priorities Communities in Motion or other regional plans and studies. These projects are highlighted in the annual COMPASS Resource Development Plan, below.
Applications are accepted in a two-phase process. Phase I includes basic information about a project, or even a concept. Members are provided two opportunities to submit Phase I applications each year — late fall/early winter and late spring. Only the Phase I application is needed for projects that are not determined eligible for federal funding.
COMPASS staff reviews each application from Phase I for funding eligibility. If a project is eligible for federal-aid funding, COMPASS staff requests additional information in Phase II, such as specific data on roadway condition, freight corridor status, traffic volume, alternative modes considered, and additional required worksheets and attachments. Phase II applications are due approximately six weeks after the Phase I submittal. All applications are added to the Resource Development Plan (see below) for further research and analysis. A “second opportunity” for Phase I applications is available in April with an early May deadline.
A technical committee, made up of representatives from each COMPASS member agency, ranks all applications. Staff recommends a funding plan based on all funding availability using the ranking recommended by the technical committee.
Applying for Federal and Local Funding
The annual COMPASS Application Guide outlines the process for applying for all types of funding managed by COMPASS. Individual funding programs and related policies and procedures are described below.
- COMPASS Application Guide (Document only) (Phase II due January 21, 2025)
- Applications: Phases I and II (Word document download)
- Tutorial Videos
- Forms for application assistance:
Resource Development Plan
COMPASS compiles identified needs from member applications and regional plans annually into a Resource Development Plan. The plan is used to direct COMPASS’ resource development efforts and is approved annually by the COMPASS Board of Directors.
Funding Programs
Federal Funding: Regional Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)Multiple federal funding sources for a variety of types of transportation projects are budgeted annually in the regional transportation improvement program (TIP). The TIP also includes regionally significant transportation projects regardless of funding source and can be amended throughout the year as needed. Both Phase I and Phase II applications are required for projects seeking federal funding. Multiple policies and procedures guide funding decisions.
- Balancing Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG), Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), and Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) Funds (8/19/2024)
- COMPASS Regional Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendments (12/18/2023)
- Federal Highway Funding Eligibility (8/19/2024)
- Annual TIP Program Update (8/19/2024)
The Project Development Program transforms member agency needs into well-defined projects with cost estimates, purpose and need statements, environmental scans, and public involvement plans to ensure readiness for funding applications. COMPASS member agencies may apply for Project Development Program assistance by submitting a Phase I application; applications are accepted in both the fall and spring.
Several consulting firms with a wide range of expertise have been pre-screened by COMPASS to conduct project development work in partnership with COMPASS staff. As projects are selected for the program, they are matched with the consulting firm(s) with the appropriate expertise, based on the type of project and project needs. Projects entering the program one year will be ready to submit grant applications and compete for funds the following year.
Project Development Program Projects
Local Funding: Communities in Motion Implementation GrantsCommunities in Motion Implementation Grants assist member agencies with local projects that further the goals of Communities in Motion. Any COMPASS general or special member agency may apply for a grant under this program. Other agencies may participate on a project, but are not eligible as lead applicants.
Many types of projects are eligible, including plans, regulatory tools, economic/market analyses, concepts/designs, and construction. A grant may fund a stand-alone project, or a phase or component of a larger project that meets the goals of the program.
Applicants must supply a match of at least 7.34% of the project cost. In-kind contributions of labor/staff time may be included in the match.
Communities in Motion Implementation Grant Projects
Grant AssistanceThe time and expertise required to research potential funding opportunities and write competitive grant applications can be a significant barrier to applying for needed funding. To overcome that, COMPASS assists member agencies with grant research and writing to secure much-needed funding from a wide variety of sources – both public and private.